About Us
We are a team of muslims who are working to spread the message of the Quran (and the Sunnah). We do not belong to any particular school of thought or sect.
darul-arqam is an academy which offers online Quran services internationally. Our objective is to bring our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters closer to Allah (SWT) by teaching the Holy Quran with proper tajweed.
We claim that the students of our organization will not only be fine reciters but also good interpreters of the Holy Quran in future. To this end, we are committed in our venture to the best of our sincerity and humble capacity to provide a team of extremely capable, highly educated and well trained tutors. We are Alhamdulillah, committed and dedicated to broadcast the essence and spirit of the Holy Quran to all the aspirants in every nook and corner of the world.
we are not part of any group ,Islamic organization or mosques. We welcome all students interested in learning Quran
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